My Latest Project
small business website with online shop, SEO, security, responsive design

More from My Portfolio
Refugee Support Services of North Carolina
website with updated security, design overhaul, community building tools, donation tools, SEO, responsive design

2Topia Cycles
website re-design, outdated code brought current, and current security standards applied

Cindy Smith, Animal Communicator
web site with client scheduling tool, SEO, responsive design
Body and Hands Charlotte, Massage
website with image gallery, responsive design, SEO
Windee Willoughby, Medical QiGong Therapy
website with SEO, responsive design, and updated security

Lynn Willoughby
website with portrait gallery, SEO, responsive design

Assorted Design Elements

Artist, Boulder, Colorado

Musician, Asheville, NC

Emmy Winning Inspirational Speaker, Rock Hill, SC